Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Allhamdullillah berbagai ujian kuliah telah selesai dilakukan. Walau berat kujalani, walau susah kulalui. Perhaps I can get the excellent result.
Kini tinggal siap2 menghadapi ujian baru di semester yang akan datang.
Hari ini sih harusnya ujian CCNA, tapi Cisconya lagi maintenance jadi cancel deh.
Tapi it's ok, I hope my lecture will give the best decision for us.
I need refreshing now.
You know I met him here, but we don't have much talking. Tentulah after these years and what happenned between us ada gap yang gedhe banget. Itulah resikonya.
Tahu nih rasa itu menguap begitu saja. Emang cinta tuh sulit ditebak, datang dan pergi tanpa kita tahu
Dan hidup memang penuh dengan keping2 misteri yang kita tak kan pernah tahu serpihan mana yang akan menghampiri kita saat ini.
God, please keep stay with me.
Aq amien sajalah.........

Monday, July 2, 2007

I have a rainbow days during these times. Many things happened while I was here.But I'm sure that God always hold me in the palm of His hand and send Angels to watch over me.Well, I have many things to do here. I flew here as soon after finishing my exam last Thursday.Perhaps I can get a good grade to continue my next semester.
Hectic, but I enjoy it!!!
I always keep my rainbow, I ask God not to take my rainbow away. Please don't change my rainbow withthe blue one. I'm just started.
Many planning in my mind for the next days, I'll try to do step by step.But first I have to finish these things first to continue my next step.